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Udemy – Google Ads. A complete guide for Google Ads

Udemy – Google Ads. A complete guide for Google Ads
Original Price: $19,99
Author: N/A
Sale Page :_https://www.udemy.com/course/google-ads-complete-guide/
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: email_Ebusinesstores@gmail.com Or Skype_Macbus87


What you’ll learn
How to promote your website and e-shop through Google Ads
How to setup Google Search Ads
How to setup Google Display Network Ads
How to setup YouTube Ads
How to setup their Google Ads account
How to easily navigate within your campaigns
This course is for all levels of expertise and there aren’t any prerequisites.
Online Course “Certified Google Advertising Professional”
Certified Google Advertising Professional
In this course, you will learn how to set and effectively manage campaigns in Google Search, Google Display Network and YouTube as a way to bring potential customers to your website and convert them into leads or sales.
In this case course students will learn to:
Setting up Your Google Ads Account
· How to create a Google Ads Account
· What preferences to choose when you setting up the account
· How to setup your billing payment and payment methods
Manage Google Search Ads
· Setup campaigns in Google Search
· Find the best keywords and write amazing advertising texts that will capture audience attention.
· Apply methods that will help use improve the quality score of the keywords.
· Use the tools that can help the measurement and analysis of the results
· Effectively determine the bid and advertising budget
Manage Campaigns in Google Display Network
· Set up campaigns in Google Display Network
· Set the right parameters for better targeting.
· Choose the right targeting so that banners ads will appear in targeted websites and at the same time reduce the cost per click.
· Create re-targeting campaigns that will follow website visitors
· Measure and optimize the Google Display Network campaigns
Manage Campaign in YouTube
· Set up campaign that will play in YouTube
· Choose the right YouTube campaign based on the goals requested
· Promote videos through the YouTube paid video ads for maximum exposure.
Who this course is for:
Anyone who wants to promote their products and services through Google Ads
Business Owners
Digital Marketers
Advertising Agencies
Eshop owners

Level Price  
MONTHLY PLAN $59.95 per Month.
Membership expires after 30 Days.
6 MONTH PLAN $129.95 every 6 Months.
Membership expires after 180 Days.
LIFTIME MEMBERSHIP $199.95 every 12 Months.
Membership expires after 365 Days.

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