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Chris Rempel – Spec Report: B2B Matchmaking – The Lazy Marketer

Chris Rempel – Spec Report: B2B Matchmaking – The Lazy Marketer
Original Price: $295
Author: Chris Rempel
Sale Page :_https://thelazymarketer.com/spec-report-b2b-matchmaking/
Contact me for the proof and payment detail: email_Ebusinesstores@gmail.com Or Skype_Macbus87


Until very recently, traditional B2B industries have still largely been living in the “digital dark ages” when it comes to marketing & sales strategy.

We are talking about billion-dollar companies whose entire sales process amounts to attending a few trade shows each year. because, well, that’s what worked, for decades.

Rolling out a truly digital sales strategy is something that very few B2B firms in the “old world” have actually done – let alone done well.

And then – in March of 2020 – life as we knew it took a very strange turn.The world shut down, basicallyovernight.

No more trade shows. No more conferences. No more business travel. No more in-person selling.

For a lot of long-established companies, this meant rapidly figuring out how to move their sales ops online – and finally taking it seriously.

Level Price  
MONTHLY PLAN $59.95 per Month.
Membership expires after 30 Days.
6 MONTH PLAN $129.95 every 6 Months.
Membership expires after 180 Days.
LIFTIME MEMBERSHIP $199.95 every 12 Months.
Membership expires after 365 Days.

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