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RSD Todd Text And Dates Machine

RSD Todd Text And Dates Machine
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My Precision-Engineered System For Getting Her To Meet Me At The Snap Of A Text.
. And How I Get Her Home 90% Of The Time

“Text & Dates Machine” is Todd Valentine’s system for using texts to meet women. It shows you how to improve your text game with women, as well as teaching you the hows and whys of effective texting to understand what a woman is thinking.
The program also shows you how to reply to texts and offers actionable techniques aimed at helping to get you more dates with the women you want. Part 2 of the program offers a method to pull 80 – 90% of dates home and into bed.
Real-life examples of actual text conversations and video of dates are also included.
What You’ll Learn:
The Inner Game Of Texting
Creating Text-Game Abundance
The Difference Between Needy And Persistent
The Non-Response Response
Anatomy Of A Solid Number
The RIGHT Way to Qualify
The 5 Minute Rule
The Make-Or-Break First Text
The Social Bank Account
Callback Humor And Personalization
Building Intrigue
Avoiding Her Text TRAPS
The Four Types Of Texts
Silence, Shit Tests And Logic
Getting Her To Chase
How To Instigate Your Way Into Her Mind
Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram Super-Chargers
The Rules Of The Phone Call
Resurrecting Dead Numbers
Calibrating To Her Text Blueprint
The Date Manifesto
Why “Boring” Dates Are Better
Real Text-Game Cheat Masterclass Joe Holder Teaches Fitness and Wellness Fundamentals That Work
How I Pull Almost 80-90% Of The Dates I Go On

Level Price  
MONTHLY PLAN $59.95 per Month.
Membership expires after 30 Days.
6 MONTH PLAN $129.95 every 6 Months.
Membership expires after 180 Days.
LIFTIME MEMBERSHIP $199.95 every 12 Months.
Membership expires after 365 Days.

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